So it's late or should I say early, and I can't sleep. My mind is racing. Ugh I hate it when this happens, however this hasn't happened in quite sometime.....What's up with that?! Heck I'm tired I keep yawning, but just can't get the good old brain to sleep. Just as sure as I do fall asleep someone will wake me up.
LOL Murphy's Law I guess. The most likely person to wake me up will be my youngest gentleman, wanting to nurse.
So tell me all you
bloggers out there....What do you write about in your blogs? Can you copy off your blog and put it in a journal? So where is everyone getting all the cool stuff for your blogs (like music, better wallpaper, etc..), and is it free. Sorry I'm a cheap skate, what can I say. I'm all about cheap or FREE. Hence my coupon sense link.
Well I can't think of anything to write, and wouldn't know my baby just let out a cry.
Until next time......................