Friday, October 10, 2008

Wow it's been awhile...... Life has been busy and hair raising. lol I did finally crack and go camping. It was ok, but I still say "camping is over rated". Emotioanlly, the camping trick was pretty hard on me. Not only just the camping part, but we went camping to Bureau Dunes, which is where my parents and brothers family were headed to camp when my mom had her heart attack. I did shed several tears while getting ready, and while there and no one was looking. The boys and daddy had a great time, so I'm glad of that.

Life is a bit more crazy now that my oldest has started Kinder. He's really enjoying himself and is doing great! So far on all the assessments he's done awesome, and seems to be learning tons. I would say he's in the top of his class, if that's possible in Kinder. lol

My baby turned 1 over the weekend.... *sniff, sniff* I tell you time just flies way to fast. Where oh where has the time gone. I can't believe any of my boys are the ages they are. They keep me on my toes that's for sure! I keep feeling that there is another little one for us. Part of me likes the idea and part oh me says "Oh no....I'M DONE". My dh says were done, so I guess we'll see. I'm thinking we'll just leave it up to the Lord and if he wants us to have another he'll make it happen.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Aww.......It's silent other than the hum of my computer. Everyone is sleeping, well except me of coarse. I just finished doing some paper work for some Close To My Heart orders I need to put in first thing in the morning. I should be putting my tired little brain to bed, as I will have to make sure I'm up bright and early to get the orders in as they are for our online clearance sale.

So there's less than a month before my oldest starts Kindergarten. It's so hard to believe. Where has the last 5 years gone. Seems like just yesterday he was born. Yes, I know and now I have 3 sweet energetic boys. Part of me is very sad that my little man will be starting school and part of me is happy and excited. I'm torn, but I know he'll do great and deep down I know it will be good for him. He's a very social boy, so it will be nice for him to get out and make more friends. I wonder if I will shed any tears when I take my little man on that first day of Kindergarten.

Ugh! The man wants to go camping. I so don't want to go. I wonder what happened to me and why I'm such a Pris in my old age. I used to love to go camping when I was a kid and a teenager. I cringe at the thought of pit toilets, no showers now, bugs and dirt. I told him I'd considerate if we had and RV or a cabin, but even then I still just shutter to think about going camping. I think some of my problem is that camping holds a lot of memories for me. Unfortunately the most resent and extremely painful memory I have is that that's what my mother was preparing to do and was so looking forward in doing when she suffered from her very untimely heart attack which ended up taking her life. Oh how it hurts to even think about camping. Any time I think of camping or hear the word it brings the memories flooding back of that awful day. My husband thinks I should go in my mothers memory, but it just hurts so much to even think about it. I guess one of these days I'm going to have to suck it up and go. Ugh!

Oh how my brain wanders and thinks when all is silent and I'm alone. Don't get me wrong I love my boys it's just a little harder to think when you have 2 little boys running around and 3 shrieking and squealing with glee.

Well if I'm to get up early I must go put myself to bed.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Can't keep up

Man I can't seem to keep up with anything, however I'm getting better in the dishes department. LOL Baby steps..... Maybe I'll get it figured out some day. lol We have been doing a lot of playing this summer, which we've really enjoyed. I have so many picutres to post.....Aww another thing to do.

Ugh! Man I sure could have used a nap today, I'm so tired. Now I'm drawing a blank at what I was planning to write. Well since my mind is blank right now, I'll have write again later.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Missing My MOMMY

I'm just sitting here, thinking about and missing my mom terribly. She's been gone a little over a year. Oh how I miss her! I wish so much she was still here. I miss talking to her, so much! Will her being gone ever get any easier? So far it doesn't really seem like it has. My mother was a wonderful giving woman. I hope I have gleaned all her wonderful quality and can be just as wonderful and giving as she was. I LOVE YOU MOM!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

So it's been a few weeks. lol I've check a couple times to see if I've had any comments on the very few things I've written.....Pathetic, I know. We've had a busy fun filled few weeks. The last couple weeks we have been in San Antonio, Tx and Salt Lake' ish area of UT. We've done a lot of site seeing and have spent time with family. We have really enjoyed ourselves. Ulises headed back to work today after being off for the last two and a half weeks. So far it seems he still has a job. lol Long story. I will write more about our trips later. Hey maybe I'll even get some pictures downloaded and on here too.

Alec started pulling himself up to a standing position over the weekend. Everyone keeps saying to me that they think he'll be walking before his first b-day (man I sure hope not). I tell them to bite their tongues.....Heaven help me if they're right!!!

I've been busy today trying to get 2 two page scrapbook layouts done for my hostess clubs this week. They made it easy on me this month and both groups chose "Blue Ribbon". Wish me luck.............

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Feliz Día del Padre

Just wanted to wish my hubby a Happy Father's Day! In Mexico they celebrate Father's Day on the 19th of June. I hope even though you are working today that you will have a GREAT DAY! We love you, Papa'!

Up Late!

So it's late or should I say early, and I can't sleep. My mind is racing. Ugh I hate it when this happens, however this hasn't happened in quite sometime.....What's up with that?! Heck I'm tired I keep yawning, but just can't get the good old brain to sleep. Just as sure as I do fall asleep someone will wake me up. LOL Murphy's Law I guess. The most likely person to wake me up will be my youngest gentleman, wanting to nurse.

So tell me all you bloggers out there....What do you write about in your blogs? Can you copy off your blog and put it in a journal? So where is everyone getting all the cool stuff for your blogs (like music, better wallpaper, etc..), and is it free. Sorry I'm a cheap skate, what can I say. I'm all about cheap or FREE. Hence my coupon sense link.

Well I can't think of anything to write, and wouldn't know my baby just let out a cry.

Until next time......................

Monday, June 16, 2008

What to do???

Aww it's the start of the week..... Just trying to decide what to do. There's never a lack for things to do, that's for sure. Every where I look there's stuff that needs my attention, not to mention my 3 sweet little boys that are all clammering for mommy time too. My trashed house drives me nuts, hopefully some day I'll get it figured out. I'd really like to have a cleaner house all the time, but alas my boys are more important right now. If I could just figure out a system that I could get down that would work with my life right now. Please don't suggest Fly Lady as I've been there done that and it didn't work for me, it just overwhelmed me. Well being on this computer isn't going to get things done, and my littlest gentlemen and calling for my attention, so I best be off. Until next time............................

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ok, so I've had this blog since March and this is my first post. lol It won't be long as my youngest little gentleman is fussing. Yes, I am the crazy mother of 3 of the cutest little gentleman. For those thinking and plan to ask or those that are to afraid to ask.....YES, 3 boys, and yes I'm they keep me VERY busy! And also for those wondering, NO we don't know yet if we will try for # 4 to see if we have a girl. Yes, I know there are many of you out there that stop us at the store (yes we really do get stopped at the store, usually at least once a shopping trip), etc. and let us know that 4 times was the charm for you and you got your girl. Well I must be off for now as my baby is in need of some mommy attention. I'll try to make my next musing sooner rather than later.